Learning JMH — Part 1: The setupAt work, I am leading an effort to investigate a module of our Java application for concurrency improvements. For this, I have to dive…Jan 18Jan 18
Using Composition to reduce prop drilling in ReactProp drilling is how ReactJS facilitates one way data binding. While it is very easy to follow when developing components top-down; it is…Oct 28, 20211Oct 28, 20211
Custom type conversions in Spring Data ProjectionsSpring Data provides the feature to execute any native SQL query and de-serialize the result-set into a Java object. This is a very handy…Jun 14, 2021Jun 14, 2021
When to use Render Props pattern?Much has been talked and written about WHAT Render Props pattern is within the React framework. Although I have used libraries that…Nov 28, 2020Nov 28, 2020
Readable queries when working with Gremlin ConsoleRecently, I am fiddling with Graph data structures and am playing with the excellent Gremlin from the Apache Tinkerpop3 stack. I don’t get…Sep 20, 2018Sep 20, 2018
Refactoring an imperative function to a functional compose-able formI am following the great Functional Programming podcast LambdaCast. We have been using Lodash for some time now. But I discovered that…Sep 14, 2018Sep 14, 2018
Serially fetching API results using JS PromisesOn my current React project, I needed to control access to a back-end API in a serial fashion. The application required entities to be…Jul 5, 2018Jul 5, 2018